

Over the past 40 years, I have published poetry, articles, newsletters, a poster, booklets, chapters in other people’s books, and—at last—my own book. You can find many of these writings (or links to them) at other places on this site. If you can’t find the item, let me know and I will do what I can to get you a copy. 

Influencing for Results in Organisations
Book with foreword by Roger Harrison and Introduction by David Berlew, Libri Publishing, Faringdon, 2012

Journaling in Small Groups
Guidebook in the Keys to Group Effectiveness series edited by Crescencio Torres and Suzanne Stier for NTL Institute, 2006

Not My Type: Valuing Diversity
Course Leader’s Guide, Group Training Workbook, and Self-study Workbook for Not My Type: Valuing Diversity video-based training DVD and Workbook from Video Arts, 2002

Where in the World Do You Come From? and Decisions, Decisions
Training Activities in 50 Training Activities for Succeeding in International Business, edited by Jonamay Lambert, Selma Myers, and George Simons, Human Resource Development Press, 2000

The Transcultural Communicator and How Do You Trust?
Training Activities written with George Simons in 50 Training Activities for Succeeding in International Business, edited by Jonamay Lambert, Selma Myers, and George Simons, Human Resource Development Press, 2000

I’m a Straight White Guy—So What’s Diversity Got To Do With Me?
Chapter in Reading Book for Human Relations Training, 8th Edition, NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, 1999

The Power of Imagining Positively: T Group Possibilities
Chapter written with Jane Magruder Watkins and Cathy Royal in Reading Book for Human Relations Training, 8th Edition, NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, 1999

My Learnings Journal: Seven Learnings About Journaling
Chapter in Reading Book for Human Relations Training, 8th Edition, NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science, 1999

Managing Diversity
Chapter in The Gower Handbook of Management, 4th Edition, edited by Dennis Lock, Gower Publishing, 1998

Developing a Whole Organisation Culture
Chapter written with Geof Cox in The Cultural Diversity Sourcebook: Getting Real About Diversity, edited by Bob Abramms and George F. Simons, ODT, 1996

“In between talking”
Haiku in The Cultural Diversity Sourcebook: Getting Real About Diversity, edited by Bob Abramms and George F. Simons, ODT, 1996

“We listen and talk”
Haiku in The Cultural Diversity Sourcebook: Getting Real About Diversity, edited by Bob Abramms and George F. Simons, ODT, 1996

“We struggle to hear”
Haiku in The Cultural Diversity Sourcebook: Getting Real About Diversity, edited by Bob Abramms and George F. Simons, ODT, 1996

Blocks to Creative Thinking, Desert Island, Foblo, Group Sculpture, Heroes and Villains, and Mini-Retreat
Training Activities in 50 Activities on Creativity and Problem Solving, edited by Geof Cox, Chuck Dufault, and Walt Hopkins of Castle Consultants International, Gower Publishing, 1991

A Goal Is A Dream Taken Seriously: The Castle Approach to Career and Life Design
Poster and Trainer Guide, Organization Design and Development, 1986

How High Is Your Castle? An Introduction to Career and Life Design
Poster, Castle Consultants, 1982